Sunday, March 09, 2008

Grand Plans

..usually come to naught. Today was no exception. I was set to go to church this morning.

I got up on time, despite the evil Daylight Savings Time change, eat breakfast and showered, in anticipation of going out to Saint Middle School for Field Ed...and promptly lost all steam and had to have a lie-down on the couch. I called my supervisor who was gracious (or did I hear a teensy bit of a sigh in her voice?) and said I just couldn't get out there today. Given that it's over 35 miles in each direction, I think I probably made the right choice, although I still feel guilty about it.

So I sat on the couch in a half-dead state for a while (PH was off preaching on Dry Bones at his church), then got a couple of short papers knocked off for school. I'm going to see if I have the energy to do the three-pager for Ethics, but I just can't seem to get started on it. Maybe that's another grand plan that will have to wait another day. I spent some time on the Systematics assignment, a doctrinal sermon on the Trinity. It's now three-quarters done, and unfortunately, it's a dog that needs putting down. I will, however, wait until I've written a replacement that is better before I shoot the old one. The dog may just need a bath and some grooming.

This may be the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in action. I thought this might be a cool sermon for the David HC Read competition, and now I'm wondering if I'm trying too hard for exactly that reason. Bah.

Only two classes tomorrow, thank goodness. Don't know if I have energy for more than that. PH is making Beer Can Chicken tonight, so all I have to do is a couple of veggies. That's about my speed. I cooked the full meal last night and I was whupped. Time for more energy, God, please....


  1. Praying for some more energy to head your way soon...but please carry on being careful too! I know it's a pain, but still...

  2. Energy prayers from here also. Glad you are pacing yourself.
