Tuesday, March 11, 2008


After a slightly rocky start this morning, I actually had a very good day. I was at school from 9 to 3:30, three classes plus a meeting plus lunch, and didn't need to nap when I came home. I also cooked dinner (a great scallops and cauliflower and spinach recipe from Epicurious that would probably have set off all my tummy sensors last week). Tomorrow and Thursday are the last two days of class in the quarter, and are both light days. Friday I've got a couple of meetings, nothing the least bit strenuous. Then I can chill and get the rest of the work wrapped up at a sane pace over the next couple of weeks.

Life is good, and maybe even getting better.

And, bliss of blisses, the new LitterMaid automatic cat box arrived today, along with a whole beautiful box of citrus fruits from PH's dear family to help me get healthy and him to stay healthy!

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