Saturday, March 08, 2008

One More Bit of Nice News

Fat Club weigh-in this morning was a pleasant experience. 6.4 pounds, for a total near to ten pounds lost thus far. Hitting the ten pound mark would have been nice, but it was a bridge too far. Most of this week's loss was my body normalizing after a week of IVs and a transfusion and various and sundry meds, but I'll take it gladly. I expect next week's loss will be much more modest. There are many more pounds to go, but I've got until next January (when I'll have to start job search).

This point thing seems to work....


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss - though you did it the hard way! The point thing DOES work!

  2. Congrats! Slow and steady wins the race...

  3. Got to go with Cheesehead. It does work, this plan. I've hit my 10% mark after 8 weeks, and I can see my cheekbones again. This WILL happen for you as well!
