Thursday, February 21, 2008

Today's Announcement from the Dean (slightly edited to keep at least some anonymity)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Preaching well is a real challenge. We have a fine tradition of cultivating preaching excellence here at Virginia Theological Seminary. The quality of preaching at our weekday Eucharist is outstanding. Under the careful supervision of our outstanding team in homiletics (namely Professors Judith McDaniel and Ruthanna Hooke), we are ensuring that countless congregations in the future will be fed by the effective preaching of the Word.So I am pleased to announce today that Patrick P and Mary T have accepted our nomination to participate in the David H. C. Read Preacher/Scholar Award. This is the most prestigious preaching award for seminarians in the United States. They have both agreed to do the work necessary to represent the Seminary at this event. So today we congratulate Patrick and Mary and wish them all the best as they represent VTS at this event.

The Very Rev Ian Markham
Dean and President

...yes, this is me. At some point I'll be over this darned flu and will actually enjoy this.


  1. Congratulations! Wow, the two of you must be amazing to hear! Preach on, Sister!

    BTW, I am going to try to come visit for a few days the second week of April--hope to see you (if you have time!)

  2. Oh, I can't wait to see you!

    Yeah, I was nominated by Ruthanna and Pat by Judith. Ruthanna really thinks I've got a shot at it, which intimidates the heck out of me. I think I'm pretty good, but this competition draws seminarians from all the Protestant denominations all over the country, so I think it's a long shot. I'll do my best, though. They'll publish the sermons we submit in the Seminary Journal, so you at least will be able to read them at some point. The final winner preaches at Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. Big pulpit. Famous preachers. Oh, my!

  3. Awesome! Represent the RevGals well.

  4. sometimes when we ask for a kick in the hindquarters -- we get the pat on the back instead -- isn't that NEAT?

  5. That is a huge and wonderful thing...but I just dropped in to find out how you are feeling. Love and prayers that you are recovering gently xx

  6. Hi all (meaning all of you who have replied) -- just wondering if anyone here knows Mibi "in real life"? Because it's been almost a week since this post and I'm hoping she's just busy and not really sick again. :(

  7. ooh, I came to say HOORAY but now Lorraine's got me worried!

    Mibi? Mibi!

    (Looking around)

    Don't make me come after you hon!

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    :( I don't know Mary Beth -- it looks like you may have to come after her. I'd do it since I live just up the road. But I don't know who she is in real life. :(

  9. Wow! Congratulations!!!
