Friday, February 29, 2008

Home Again

Sorry I've been among the missing for the past week. The virus turned into a scary drop in my blood counts (platelets went down to 4) and I've been in the hospital for the past seven days, including a stint in ICU. I'm home now, and although I'm pretty weak, I'm feeling better than I have in quite some time. I'll post more later, when I've got a bit more energy.


  1. Goodness! Prayers for your continued recovery!

  2. Oh my! Glad you're on the mend!

  3. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I knew it! I knew there was something wrong! I've been tempted all week to drive on down to the hospital nearest to Big Old Seminary and walk through the halls calling "Mibi? Mibi?"

    How scary! Well, I'm glad you're home in your own bed, among your own things. That alone can promote healing, even when one has been in the best of hospitals.

    Prayers for you.

  4. Lorraine, I actually was in Arlington, since that's where my docs have privileges. So wandering around that other place would have been for naught...

  5. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital. Hoping and praying you are now officially on the mend.

  6. SO glad to hear that all is well. It's very scary when online friends drop out...where might they be?!

    Thanks be to God for ongoing recovery...

  7. ps: I donate whole blood or platelets regularly. would it be helpful for me to donate "for" you? if so, please email me at marybethbutler at gmail dot com and we can get all the details sorted...

  8. Gracious! Wondered where you were. Hugs and prayers to you!
