Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bah, Pt II

Spent most of last night in the ER. The good news: no heart problems, no pneumonia, just another truly nasty viral thing. Since I can ill afford to be sick right now, I covet your prayers that I get over this quickly, and that the ITP does not flare up again.

Others suffer so much more than me...I'm trying to offer this to God as a Lenten discipline, but I'm slipping into the pity party mode. Kick me in the hindquarters, Lord, and remind me that this is nothing.


  1. Praying...and sympathising too. I know it's not a global disaster, but nonetheless, it's a bit of a piglet for you personally, and I think you're allowed to be at least slightly less than delighted.
    Hugs and prayers xx

  2. Hope you feel better soon.
