Saturday, July 09, 2011


It was a good and busy day. I spent early morning and breakfast with my COD colleagues - we had gotten much good work done the night before - then drove down to Richmond in time for our second St Giles' Gate class and a noon memorial service for a remarkable 85 year old lady who was both a perfect Southern lady and a feisty broad. Got back home at 2 pm...going upstairs I twisted my hip somehow and saw stars and said a rude word or two. It's still quite sore, 5 hours and one industrial strength Naprosyn later. Hoping it will unkink itself as I sleep tonight.

Wonderful seminarian is preaching tomorrow on the sower and the seed, and PH is doing the Adult Forum, so I get the bliss of simply reveling in presiding at the Eucharist. After the 10:30 we will have a potluck and baby shower for our Sudanese sexton, Timon, and his wife, Mary. Their first child is due on the 18th. Women from the larger Sudanese Christian community will be coming for this shindig...I expect it will run into the late afternoon. Should be utterly delightful, with singing and food and laughter as we all prepare for this little one to come into the world.

I pray your Saturday evening is relaxed and comfortable, with an ice cream at the table and dear ones to converse with.

1 comment:

  1. praying for your hip!

    word verification: Sings

