Thursday, July 07, 2011

On the horizon...

  • Memorial service, interment, gathering with the family, two pastoral phone calls= today.
  • Get Eucharistic Prayer for St Giles' Gate laminated.Go out to retreat center for meeting of the Committee on the Diaconate=tomorrow.
  • St Giles' Gate, memorial service, interment in the memorial garden=Saturday.
  • Two services (wonderful seminarian is preaching and PH is teaching the Adult Forum on Scripture and Sexuality, TBTG, so it will be a relatively easy Sunday for me), hospital visits=Sunday.

Somewhere in there I have some writing to do for the plan for the Free Clinic, some work to do for StrongOpinions, who is going through a bad patch right now (please keep her in your prayers), and a moment to catch my breath and sit and hold PH's hand. We don't have nearly enough time together what with two very busy schedules - he was just named Director of Clinical Services for his pastoral counseling agency - and we've got to do something about that. We did sit together the other night and watch "Biutiful," a gorgeously composed and shot but somewhat depressing movie starring Javier Bardem, who is also gorgeous. The next thing that's in our Netflix queue is "Of Gods and Men," which I expect will also be gorgeously shot, but slightly depressing. Maybe the next one should be a musical or something....

Above: Titian's painting of Sisyphus, pushing that boulder up the hill...

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