Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Please pray for the repose of the soul of PH's uncle Rueben. He died this morning at the age of 70. He is the first of that generation to pass - hardy Swedes from the U.P. - and this will be very difficult for the family.

He was a faithful Christian, a devoted husband and father, and a funny, hardworking guy. Please pray, too, for his family, as they bid him farewell.

Almighty God, our Father in heaven, before whom live all who die in the Lord: Receive our brother Rueben into the courts of your heavenly dwelling place.
Let his heart and soul now ring out in joy to you, O Lord, the living God, and the God of those who live. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.


  1. Praying with and for you as you grieve, remember and give thanks for Rueben's life and the precious relationships you shared individually and collectively.

  2. What happens if you don't pray for souls? Do they come back from the dead, all angry at you?
    What do you think praying for those who no longer exist does?

  3. Brad, I believe that those who die do continue to exist, with God in some form or some way. I pray not because those who have died would be angry with me if I did not, but in thanksgiving to God for their life on earth, in the hope that they are now with God, and for comfort for those who grieve the passing of the person who died. You may view this as superstition; that it your right. I see it differently.
