Sunday, February 07, 2010

An Interesting Experiment

We were snowed out of church today, both the normal 10 am service and the contingency plan 2 pm service. I hate to do that, but the roads are still so treacherous that it seemed the reasonable thing to do (although some will disagree with me on that).

A Presbyterian friend held a virtual service on FB this morning, so I decided to try something similar on FB this afternoon for our community and the larger virtual community. FB does not necessarily suit itself to such things - the 420 character limit makes it hard to get through some of the longer prayers and the Scripture passages, but there were obvious places for comments/interchanges. A couple of folks participated, including a seminary friend who is now back in Kenya. I inserted some YouTube music - a couple of the hymns we were going to sing at church plus another piece by EmmyLou Harris.

Was it a success? I don't know. But if two or more of us gathered together in God's name, I know God was with us, and that's success enough for me.

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