Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday - whew

A long day at the hospital with a parishioner having a procedure - good outcome, but still a long day.

Peter continues to improve, and we hope he will be transferred to a rehab facility closer to his home soon to complete his recovery.

Juggling several intense pastoral care issues that are unbloggable, but are frying me a bit. I will survive, of course.

Finishing prep for the vestry retreat on Saturday - it will be a long day. I'm hoping it will be a productive time for all. I just wish I didn't have an hour commute on either end of it, but that's life.

The sermon for Sunday is coming verrrry slowly. The concept is there; it's the execution that's lacking. Ah, well.

The good news is that, off in the distance, I can see a mini-vacation for PH and me. We will head about two hours south of here for the Valentine's Weekend (assuming I can line up a supply priest to cover for me) to stay at a lovely inn, eat yummy food, and maybe see a couple of old friends. I am in need of a break.

Diocesan Council will be next week - everybody heading down to the Capital of the Confederacy for the formal installation of our Diocesan Bishop by the Presiding Bishop, plus a day and a half of arguing over resolutions that may or may not have any weight since the matters they address are ultimately the Bishop's call. A reminder, once again, that the Church is a human institution even though it tries to carry out the work God has called us to do.

And I am pleased to announce that I have gotten the most wonderful pair of red shoes. Comfortable and snazzy at the same time. If I have to dress conservatively, at least I can wear shoes that make me smile.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME shoes. Jealous.

    PS word validation is "tordid" which sounds like a torrid, sordid affair.
