Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good News on the Nephew Front

Peter's vent tube was removed today. He is sleeping sitting up, without a neck brace, is smiling, and acting more himself. It sounds like he isn't really speaking yet - I suspect his throat is scratched up from the ventilator - and isn't walking yet, but this is miles better than he was just a couple of days ago. Thank you all for the prayers for his recovery.

Meanwhile, I'm hip-deep in prep for the Vestry Retreat on Saturday. I doubt we'll be able to get through all the stuff I want to do, but we will at least get started. I plan on using tools of Appreciative Inquiry as part of our process, and am really looking forward to it. It is an exciting time in the life of this parish, and getting folks thinking creatively and positively will only make it better. We'll start with Celtic Morning Prayer and end with Holy Eucharist, with some Scripture meditation and prayer in the middle. Action-packed!

Chewing on what I'm going to talk about in the sermon on Sunday - I'll be preaching on 1 Cor 12. Some themes are bubbling up - using our gifts in joy rather than only as obligation, looking at what we can do rather than focusing on limitations, lifting ourselves up as an oblation, joining ourselves to Christ in action to serve God's people. It's all just stewing around right now, but will gel soon, I hope.

It will tie to the third session of our adult Forum (Rejoice/Respond - Living as Epiphany People) on how we are to respond to the gift of Christ in our lives...this week's session is about risky generosity, which dovetails both with the sermon and with an activity our deacon candidate is going to introduce, the volunteer opportunity of the week. We hope to encourage folks to use their gifts in service to others in a way that gives them joy.

Maybe it will work, maybe not, but I'm having a great time thinking about it.

Tomorrow will be focused on pastoral care activities. Time at a hospital, possible time doing a Eucharist at a retirement community, a lot of phone calls.

I love this work.

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