Thursday, July 16, 2009

From the Land of No

The day began with a snafu over the new health insurance at my doctor' I have to go back tomorrow afternoon. It took about an hour to untangle the problem. Sigh.

Then I got word that the local church that was considering me for a job decided to go with a layperson instead of an ordained person, so I was out of the running. There's more to the story than that, but talking about it would be unproductive. Ah, well, it is behind me.

The good parts of the day were a relatively uneventful Costco trip - got in and out in 30 minutes - and a wonderful lunch with a dear friend who let me squawk a bit about the job thing and then gracefully helped me move past it. I also had a great meeting with the senior warden of the church where I am currently serving...covered a lot of material efficiently, were in agreement about most everything. This is how this stuff should work!

I'm straightening up in anticipation of an interview with a research subject, and looking forward to a quiet evening with PH after that. May it be so! I think a nice glass of wine will be in order.

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