Saturday, July 18, 2009

Busy Saturday

I took an early morning walk while it was still quite cool and lovely, then a quick trip to the Farmer's Market, where the produce is looking like the Garden of Eden.

I will be presiding at a memorial service (my first as an ordained clergywoman) this afternoon. I pray that it goes smoothly, and will be a comfort to the family.

There was supposed to be a contingent from a search committee coming to see me tomorrow, but they just called up and asked to postpone a week. Sigh. PH is off bicycling 100 miles (A Roll-Your-Own Century) with some of his buddies, and will be too pooped to go to Harry Potter tonight, so maybe we'll go tomorrow. I need something fun to do to kick off another busy week.

Off to drop prescriptions at the pharmacy. The list never gets shorter...

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