Thursday, May 14, 2009

Random Dots of Remarkable

  • I did my last bit of schoolwork at Big Old Seminary this morning - a group presentation on an ethnographic study of a young-adult predominant neighborhood. We rocked - what a great, diligent, creative team!

  • Then I served as acolyte for noon Eucharist, serving with our dean (quite cool) and chanting the fraction (also quite cool). The preacher was delightful and brilliant OT professor, who actually gave me the hook I needed for my sermon for this coming Sunday (who knew Bible geeks could also be Star Trek geeks?)

  • Then I paid my massive copying/printing of the last effects of the thesis. Many trees died in the production of this project. I repent me of my (copying) sins!

So I am done. I'll have a few more little things to do (leading Morning Prayer tomorrow morning, singing with the choir in the service tomorrow night and at Commencement, serving as a cantor for the Service for the Mission of the Church next Wednesday), but the school-school stuff is done.

Remarkable. There were times (this past year particularly, with the medical issues that landed me in the hospital more than once) that I wondered if I would make it through. And now here I am, at the end of this journey, looking down the road at the next part of the journey. One week from today, I will graduate, and a few weeks later, I will be ordained a transitional deacon in the Episcopal Church. I still don't know where I will be called, but I know at some point I will be called.

God is good. I am grateful and hopeful.

- And now I am off to tea with seven of my most delightful senior friends plus one faculty member. I suspect champagne will be drunk, in addition to the tea. For that, too, I am grateful!


  1. Congrats, Mibi! You made it!

  2. Woot!! congrats for getting this far! So far this morning I've sat around drinking coffee, browsing the internet, vaguely thinking about my sermon for Sunday (which is pretty much written) -- and NO READING is hanging over my head! lol... very nice to be graduated.

    I'm curious to know how Star Trek features in your sermon. Do you use the revised common lectionary? if so, which reading are you tying Star Trek to?

    {Star Trek fan here from waaaaaaaaaay back... ) :)

    great -- my word verification word is "burgill" so now I'm craving a burger. At 9:30 in the morning??

  3. John 15.9-17. I'm using Star Trek and the time-space continuum (think warp speed and wormholes) to talk about how time changes relationships. Jesus is talking about a different relationship with his disciples; I'm at St G's for the last time, so my relationship with those folks have changed. And just as when a spaceship reaches Warp 10, it exists at every point on the time-space continuum at the same time, so too Jesus is with us always, and so to our shared memories of my time at St G's are with us always.

    Since I've got a congregation full of Star Trk geeks, they will eat this stuff up, and it's goofy enough that I may avoid crying in my last sermon for them.

    And my word verification is "presnessi" which sounds like a cheap variation on a Barbie doll...

    Wanna get together for coffee sometime over the next couple of weeks?

  4. Well done! Congratulations! Onto the next frontier! (May you have wings to fly long and prosper - my word verification was 'wingede') Best wishes now & always! Peace.
