Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Five: Friends

Jan has given us a great Friday Five:

"today let's write about the different kinds of friends we have, like childhood friends, lost friends, tennis friends, work friends, and the list goes on. List 5 different types of friends you have had in your life and what they were/are like.As a bonus, put a link to a new (to you) blogging friend and introduce us!"

1) The Call-In-The-Middle-Of-The-Night friend: the person whom I could call in an emergency (and have) without thinking twice about whether it would wake her up, or her kids, because she knows I would do the same for her (and have).

2) The Woman of Wisdom and Power friend: who taught me wonderful things, and continues to teach me wonderful things, and says that I teach her, too, which is the ultimate compliment.

3) the Adult Child friend: I have a few of these, and one of the joys of this stage of life is that our relationship has shifted (think this Sunday's gospel: John 15.9-17) from a parental one to a friend one. Even my youngest (now 21) is starting to evolve into this kind of dialogue, and I am blessed in our conversations (mostly).

4) The Mentor friend: we don't talk often, but when we do, it is because I need some sage advice. This friend always is there for me in this way, with humor and grace.

5) My husband: he exceeds all categorization. Enough said.

Bonus: Mike is a junior at my seminary - very bright and funny, with big ideas. He stretches my mind, particularly about young adult ministry, every time I read his blog and talk to him.


  1. I understand what you say about the adult child friend, my children are all in the process of becoming friends too, interesting for all of us!

  2. I am seeing that transition in my children and me, too. Hoping for it even more.

    I love that you are becoming an Episcopal priest. I liked reading your profile about you.

    Thank you.

  3. Thank goodness for "Call-In-The-Middle-Of-The-Night" friends!

  4. My daughter and I are moving in that direction too - it is so cool! Nice play!

  5. I remember when just knowing I had those middle-of-the-night friends kept me going.
