Friday, May 08, 2009

Plugging Along

I'm wrapping up the final group project for my last class, and just sent it off to my group for their edits and comments. I'll be glad to get this done.

No news on the job front. No further word from the little parish nearby that's looking for a rector. No further word from Saint Middle School, who had intimated that they wanted to keep me on part-time to keep things going during their transition time. The other places that I'm intrigued by haven't posted their parish profile yet, so I can't even apply there. I've sent out several more applications. This is getting very old indeed. I'm truly tired of hearing people say "whatever church gets you will certainly be lucky." I'm not feeling the love, and every time I hear another classmate has been called, I rejoice for them a lot, and grieve for myself a little.

And now the series of "lasts" begins. One of the practices of Big Old Seminary is that we meet for small group worship and advisee meetings with our advisor every Friday, in our advisor's home. Since our advisor is retiring in June, we all were feeling it a bit today as we had our last small group worship. We've had our last Wednesday Community Eucharist already.

It's a bittersweet feeling.


  1. Last week while at the bishop candidates Q&A, I spoke to a priest friend of mine about your and your other talented classmates' issues. Her take is that the church as an institution is afraid of talented people as they tend to be change agents, so of course you are not going to get a job until you find a place not is not afraid of change. Those are few and far between. That had never occurred to me before. I would hope there are parishes braver than that.

  2. I've come to the conclusion that i will be hired by a parish that is a) brave, or b) desperate. At this point, I'll take either. Trying hard not to be blue and to have faith, but some days are better than others.

  3. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Your writings are very insightful and have an honest tone. Have you thought about self-publishing your essays, in the meantime? I recall, that Albert Einstein also did not find a teaching position he looked for after graduating, and took at clerk's job at the us patent office. it gave him monotony, which strangely helped him come up with extraordinary creative ideas, including his theory of relativity. Just a thought.

  4. i remember that bittersweetness...prayers for you...

  5. Yes, I hear you about the "series of lasts". Last week we had our senior worship, then dinner with the president and faculty, rehearsals, etc. Several teary moments at the worship. That was the first thing we did at our orientation, attend worship. Now it was the last. sniff....
