Monday, May 04, 2009

Keeping Fingers Crossed and Praying and All That Good Stuff

I've gotten a callback from a possible job opportunity, to be rector of a small multi-ethnic parish near here. Yeah, there are problems in this place, but there are also very interesting opportunities. It also comes with a rectory, which in this housing market is a good thing indeed.

They wanted recordings of sermons, and I sent them the two I submitted for the Big Preaching Award (haven't heard anything back from them yet, BTW), so we'll see what happens next. In any case, it sure feels good to have something vaguely positive to say on the job front!

It's also my understanding that St Middle School wants me to stay on board on a part-time basis to keep the trains running on time until they call someone or until I get a job. They haven't officially asked, but I was told by someone who should know that I am about to be asked and should be prepared for the question. Of course, they may decide they want to call me, but who knows. I'm trying to suss out how I might structure part-time work with them, probably something like identifying the needed blocks of time, then calculating out what percentage of a full-time job that is, and then calculating it against the diocesan guidelines. But first they need to figure out what they want me to do for them...on a part-time basis, of course.

As a dear friend said this morning, this stuff is exhaustipating!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs, Dear One. I want you to get a job that uses your talents. But, what the Holy Spirit leads you to is more important.

    BTW, pray for me as an elector in the Diocese of SD episcopal election. The one I think may be elected actually is the weakest candidate of the four. Please pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for all of us.
