Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Miracles Abound

StrongOpinions made it safely to the Big Apple last week, found her new apartment in Washington Heights to be even better than expected and her new roommates to be a delight, seems to have lined up a part-time waitressing job very near the new school campus, drove north to her eldest brother's house in Connecticut without getting caught in any bad weather or awful traffic, and is looking forward to a good Christmas with her dad and his family. She will be down with us right after Christmas, which means that PH and I have a romantic little Christmas celebration alone planned after two Christmas Eve services at 5 pm and 10 pm. StoneMason and Litigator will come down in late January (Christmas through New Years' is the busiest work time for them) and StrongOpinions will take the train down to be a part of the fun then.

I've just about wrapped up the package for the preaching competition (am waiting for the two recommendations from the professors) and will be glad to have that project out the door. Whatever comes of it, I've been so honored to be nominated by Big Old Seminary. I'm also submitting a tape of a sermon I will give on Dec 28th for another competition, just for giggles, since they are looking for an "evangelical" sermon, and that's a stylistic stretch for me. StrongOpinions will be my videographer for that one.

Cousins of ours are in the process of adopting two beautiful little girls from a Baltic nation. Our cousins are clear-eyed about the challenges of adjustment for the girls, since they've been doing mssion work in orphanages in these countries for several years. They will be fabulous parents and I pray the legal procedings go smoothly for them.

Beef stew in simmering on the stove, I'm feeling very relaxed about GOEs, the house is semi-clean, and I guess it's time to go take off the pjs and put real clothes on, so I can run a few errands.

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds good. Many blessings to you and yours!
