Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This has been the mellowest Christmas in history, I think. PH and I slept in a bit, then had leisurely coffee in bed before going downstairs for breakfast. PH made us Swedish pancakes with lingonberries - yum!. I talked to the various and sundry kids and grandkids on the phone, we opened gifts, I finished the latest Inspector Brunetti mystery, took a nap, and now am beginning to cook dinner. Roast rack of lamb persillade, potatoes au gratin with Gruyere, Brussels sprouts with bacon and sherry vinegar, and for dessert, "Gift of the Magi" frozen custard (saffron custard with candied cranberries and roasted pistachios representing the various gifts) from our favorite Wisconsin-style frozen custard shop, the Dairy Godmother. That flavor is a once-a-year pleasure. I drove there yesterday morning to get a quart - worth a detour, as the Michelin Guide would say! I am dutifully trying to avoid school-type work for the day, and will go out for a walk to make room for the dinner.

I hope your Christmas is wonderful, and that you get the best of all gifts: the love that God showed us in giving us his son, Jesus Christ, shared amongst all people.


  1. Merry Christmas!

    And treasure the laid back day--it could be your last leisurely Christmas for a while!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful, wonderful day!!!

    Got any leftovers?
