Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'll be going to our diocesan retreat center/camp out towards the West VA border on Friday. A lovely place, and one filled with happy memories for me. PH is actually leaving tomorrow with a bunch of buddies from church, cycling down there over two days (their route is about 140 miles). I'll have to leave very early on Sunday morning for Field Ed, but that's okay. Just to get out of the city for a day and a half, hang out with friends, and sit on the porch, rocking and reading, is a blessing.

If you want to check it out, look here: Interestingly, we don't have a cathedral as our diocesan seat - we have a shrine built by hand from rocks on the property of Shrinemont, an outdoor chapel that is rustically beautiful. A good place. Thanks be.

So I mapquested the route from Big Old Seminary to Shrinemont, and it gave me a reasonable route, except for the fact that one of the roads is HOV only after 3:30 in the afternoon, and the traffic gets truly wild on it after 3 pm. I've sent a pleading email to my prof who teaches my Friday 2-3pm class asking to miss class so I beat the HOV restriction. I can hope.

1 comment:

  1. Country mouse here had to find out what HOV meant. We don't have such a thing here.

    Hope you can leave early!
