Sunday, April 20, 2008

Back Home

Got to spend a lovely 36 hours at our diocesan retreat center way out west. The traffic on Friday was truly abysmal for the first 30 miles. I do not like Route 66, especially on a Friday afternoon, with or without green eggs and ham. It made me long for a car with automatic transmission. Once I got past the exurban traffic mess, though, it was absolutely beautiful. The redbuds are in bloom in all their lavender loveliness, some forsythia is still hanging on, and the other flowering trees are just glorious. Friday and Saturday were unusually warm ( into the 80s) but this morning I woke up to a driving rain. Since I had to head up to Saint Middle School and get there by 9 am (95 miles), I left the retreat center at 7 am. I kept going in and out of rainstorms, but occasionally seeing the clouds hanging like fluffy freshly washed towels atop the mountain ridge was wonderful. Not so wonderful was the huge truck on its side in the median strip of Rte 81 - it held up traffic a little bit when I was driving through, and turned into a major traffic headache when PH came through there at 1:30 pm.

Coming home meant the following:
  • wet newspaper on the step
  • wet mail in the mailbox
  • annoyed cats studiously ignoring us
  • large quantities of laundry to do
  • food shopping to do
  • organizing for a busy week.

The third load of wash is in the washer. Fortunately, I actually did a little homework while away, so I can relax, sort of, this evening.

It's good to be home.

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