Wednesday, August 15, 2007


My dear friend M died early this morning. She had pancreatic cancer; it had only been diagnosed a few months ago. She was 57.

She taught me many things:
  • it is alright to question authority
  • passion is a gift, not a dysfunction
  • family matters
  • the phos is hilaron.
She was a stalwart of our icon-writing class, and was the person who got me started on this wonderful spiritual practice. She also was the personification of hospitality. We had many wonderful dinners with her and her husband. She was my spine at a time when I needed it.

I will miss her deeply. I suspect that as I write this, she is asking Saint Paul, "So what did you really mean about women not speaking in church?"

Rest lightly in the arms of the Lord, M, you deserve the rest. Have a glass of Chateuneuf du Pape for me.


  1. "The phos is hilaron"

    I'm so sorry about your wonderful friend.

    Be sure to care for yourself. The post CPE days are not easy; grief is not easy; worrying about a grown child far away is not easy. You have so much going on at once.

  2. Ok, I am lost on "the phos is hilaron" -- help me out.

    She taught you some wonderful things, I know you will miss her.

  3. There is a prayer in the BCP called "Phos Hilaron" that dates back to the third century, attributed to St Athenogenes. "phos" means light and "hilaron" means gracious. M and I took a Greek class together; she was a much better student than I. When we spoke at the end of her life, while she was still able to speak, she said, "I am meditating on the Phos."


  4. I'm so glad you had a chance for friendship with someone who knew those things you listed. They're hard to learn, and they're precious. I wish I has more of that around me.
