Wednesday, December 28, 2005

RevGal Christmas Meme

1. What is the best gift you received this year? (Tangible gifts only, please!)

It's a toss-up between the photo collage StrongOpinions gave me of her and her brothers as little kids and the copy of Walter Brueggeman's "Theology of the Old testament" that PH gave me.

2. What is the best gift you gave this year? Maybe the earrings I gave StrongOpinions.

3. When did you do most of your shopping/creating? Late at night on the computer.

4. Did you go shopping the day after Thanksgiving (U.S.)? Nope. Hate crowds. Today? Nope. Hate crowds.

5. What stands out already about Christmas 2005? The kids are growing up, but they're not grown up, if you know what I mean.

Litigator showed up yesterday with a massive black eye. He had gone out with one of his friends, newly returned from Iraq, and the friend had gotten into a fight, and he waded into the fight to rescue him, and got repaid for his trouble with a punch in the face.

StoneMason was his usual very sweet, mostly truthful self.

StrongOpinions was both pleased and frustrated by her brothers' visit. As in all things, she has expectations that are usually not met. Add the fact that StoneMason is buddies with Useless Boyfriend, and you can imagine the indigestion. I love my kids, but they do seem to bring on those Tums moments.

Today will be clothes shopping for the boys (part of their Christmas presents) and supper out.

I should sleep. Maybe I'll be able to...

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