Tuesday, December 27, 2005


While ReverendMother is in labor waiting for teh arrival of the revbaby, I'm here waiting for the arrival of my two big sons, whom I miss like crazy. The elder son, Litigator, is in college. He's coming here from his dad's house up in New England. We'll have political discussions, film discussions, state of the world discussions. He has an opinion on everything, and is happy to share them all. The younger son, StoneMason, is an apprentice stonemason and aspiring professional snowboarder (they've all been on skis or snowboards since they were three). I will pull information out of him like taffy, ever so sssssllllooooowwwwwlllllyyyy. He's coming from way-up-north New England. We are having a big dinner tonight which will be the family Christmas here. Useless Boyfriend will join us. He's friends with StoneMason and of course boyfriend to StrongOpinions. Should be interesting. StrongOpinions has been busy finishing up her gifts. I am still knitting her scarf (see it here, and yes, she has she has unusual tastes: http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer05/PATTandre.html )but it should be done in a day or two. PH's sweater will take a bit longer. Here's the Alice Starmore pattern, sans the rolled neck PH's version will have: http://wendyjohnson.net/knit/inishmore.htm . His is made in Debbie Bliss cashmerino aran. Yum! Post dinner is present time. One of the boys' presents is taking them clothes shopping tomorrow - always an interesting experience.

The dinner menu tonight will be prime rib roast, roasted garlic mashed potatoes, broccoli, homemade bread, salad, and Buche de Noel (the infamous Log, Log, it's better than bad, it's good). I will spend hours cooking stuff, and the kids will demolish the food in twenty minutes. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep them at the dinner table for some conversation for a bit longer than that!

I think I'll try to sleep for a few more hours...anticipation is keeping me wide awake.


  1. Have a lovely lovely time...

  2. That's some good knitting there--Alice Starmore, and all that colorwork in Andre. Keep us posted!
