Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Road Trip

PH and I are going on a road trip this weekend with another couple to New York City. Since it's only four hours away, we'll drive to and from.

We're indulging ourselves in two sublime things: The "Russia!" exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum (supposed to be a bunch of exquisite icons - I'm psyched) and dinner at an amazing restaurant called March, where we ate several years ago, and where PH said he ate the Platonic Ideal of vegetables.

The other couple are neat people. She is in lay leadership at our church, and is the most experienced student in our icon writing class. She's got a real gift for it - did an amazing Christ Pantokrator that I aspire to in a few more years. She's also in my Koine Greek class, so we can practice vocab drills in the car (PH, having already survived Greek in his MDiv and PhD programs, can correct us). Her husband is equally delightful, with a very dry sense of humor to equal PH's.

We get to stay at a lovely tiny boutique hotel I've gone to every now and again for business over the past 15 years.

This is a bit of a late anniversary present to ourselves. We haven't had such an expedition in quite some time, so I can't wait. It will be the last little romantic journey we take (despite the excitement of our trip to Qatar next month, I don't think of that as necessarily romantic - mostly jet-lagged) until I finish seminary, I'd guess. We'll have to make our own romance where we are.

Ah, bliss!


  1. Have a wonderful time! I was in the city this summer for the first time in many years and just fell in love with it all over again.

  2. Have a great time!

    If you get a chance, go check out GTS. The grounds are usually open to the public.

    I've wanted to comment on your parish committee meeting post from Sunday but I've been swamped all week. Sounds like a pretty normal parish committee on ministry meeting - even the person with a bit of an issue is to be expected sometimes. I think you're doing a great job.

  3. Bliss indeed! I wonder if the exhibit will wend its way down to Georgia . . . Our cultural excursions are too often limited to a trip to Chuck E. Cheese.
