Friday, October 21, 2005

RevGal Friday Five Meme

1. What was the last CD you purchased?

Bonnie Raitt's newest.

2. Did you like it?

Just started to listen to it, and it hearkens back to her older more blues-oriented sound. I like that a lot.

3. Is it the kind of music you would call your favorite?

Not necessarily. I love opera, and French art songs, and Bach and Mozart and some Stravinsky and some Phillip Glass. A tad eclectic in my tastes? Or just indicative of multiple-personality syndrome? You tell me.

4. What was the first album (CD for you youngsters) you ever owned?

It was vinyl. "Highway 61 Revisited"...classic Bob Dylan, and a rebellion against my poor mother at age 12.

5. And what was your favorite cut from that recording?

The one with a thousand and one words that has a refrain that goes "How does it feel? To be on your own, with no direction home?" Perfect for pre-teen angst.


  1. So how have the evil spammers overcome word verification?

  2. "Like a Rolling Stone..." yeah, remember that one well. It was absolutely ENDLESS.
