Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Your thoughts, please...

DD17, who has a heart as big as all outdoors, has asked us to put up her work friend, and 18 y.o. girl who has just found out she is pregnant, plus her 18 y.o. boyfriend. The girl was kicked out of the house by her parents when she told them she was expecting, and the boy's situation is equally complicated. We've got a downstairs bedroom and bathroom and can offer them some temporary quarters, but I have reservations about the whole situation. They are offering to pay rent. My inclination (before speaking to PH) is that I'd rather they save up their paychecks for their own place, if they're going to try to make a go of it. It's also condoning this very dicey relationship between two kids, ferhevvensakes...


  1. That's actually what we have done. We've also encourahed the girl to try and reconcile with her parents, now that they've gotten past the initial shock of her news. We're limiting the time period that they can stay with us, since our county has great resources for kids in this situation, and they will need a bit of a kick to get them motivated towards getting their own place. They're both working, so that helps a bit, but I still think they're pretty clueless about life and what they're facing.

    Thanks for the words and support.

  2. So many times I have told #1 Son (19), if a friend is ever in that kind of trouble, you know you can come to me. But as I read your story, I realize how ill-prepared I would actually be to respond. Bless you for helping them and for not making it too easy.

  3. Songbird, having PH, who is a professional counselor, helped me. My tender heart had me thinking we could just make a nest for these two wounded birds. I forgot that there's sometimes a bunch of guano when you do that, and I'm a bad enough housekeeper as it is. The limits were his idea, and they were on target.

  4. Well done, all of you...Do hope things resolve so that the love-birds get their lives onto a sensible and manageable footing. They are blessed to have you there to provide a safety net.
