Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The New Grandpuppy

This is the new grandpuppy, named Maya. She's a beagle/pug mix. She will grow up with DGD Katie, who will be three next month. Ah, bliss!

On a less blissful note, DS21 is having problems. He is with his dad this summer in North Country, working. Apparently, when he's not working, he's drinking. A lot. More than the usual college boy overindulgence, and in a family with alcoholism on both sides, this is troubling. Looks like intervention time. Please keep him in your prayers.

On a lighter note, DD17 just got back from her first galpal road trip, from DC to North Country to Montreal and back again. She and my car survived well. I'm so glad I had her drive the blue chariot (my recent vintage Saab) rather than her car (an ancient Saab - we're a three Saab/ one Volvo household, which is another story). We ended up taking her car, which was doing odd unreliable things, to the John and Don Cathedral of Saab Repair, where it cost a few hundred dollars to save its Saabie life (again). Motherhood is an expensive proposition.

Today it will be my turn to do a long drive - just for today. Isn't that an old sappy semireligious song from our childhood? "Lord, for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray. Give me the strength to do your will, Just for today." Business trip down to the state capitol (120 miles away) for a lunch meeting. Taking the opportunity to visit with a priest friend and retreat master down there.

Another trip on Friday: flying with PH to Lindsborg KS (Swedish capitol of the US or something like that, and Home of Bethany Bible College and the Fighting Swedes) for a family reunion of his mother's family. We, being the perverse people we are, are going to KANSAS in the middle of the SUMMER TORNADO SEASON for our vacation. The upside? Swedish pancakes with lingonberries.

Yet another trip next Tuesday to CA on business. There are parts of CA I love (San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Monterey). Sacramento is not one of them. Yes, I'm whining now, so it's time to stop. I'll check in later.


  1. Seriously cute she related to Beanie Babies, I wonder?
    I'm impressed at your calm re 17 year old daughter and car.My oldest is about to take her driving test, and will then, I know, expect to vanish in all directions at all hours of day and night. I can feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about it...
    Will def pray re son and alcohol; it's a potential issue for this family too...very scary.

  2. Kathryn, DD17 has been driving almost a year now and is a sane driver, as opposed to her brothers, so it's easier to be calm about her trip, although I insisted that she call me up multiple times per day while she was on the road.
