Saturday, September 22, 2012

Glad for Saturday Night

It has been another busy week - aren't they all? - and I crashed this afternoon and had my usual Sunday nap a day early. Still battling the skin infection, which appears to be healing slowly but still hurts.

A marvelous surprise last night. PH and I went out on date night, sharing a pizza in a new place. The cell phone rang, and it was our local public radio station that was calling to tell me we had won the prize in their membership drive. A weekend at the beautiful old Homestead Resort. We have a year to use it, so we will have to figure out when we might need a little break in the action. Since I never win anything beyond $2 on a raffle ticket, this was remarkable.

Grateful for many things this week:
  • a new baby born in the parish
  • the first session of St Giles' Gate, our ministry to children with special needs today
  • getting Saabie back, and the repair cost under $200, not $2K as I feared
  • the loan of a car while Saabie was in the shop by my wonderful Senior Warden and his wife
  • being almost done with one major knitting project, with another that only needs the finish work close behind
  • a new series on Masterpiece tomorrow night.
Today we are grieving the loss of a beloved dog, companion of one of our longtime members who headed up the search committee that called me. I'll be doing an Adult Forum series starting tomorrow on "Will I See My Dog in Heaven?" based on the book by the same name authored by the Franciscan Jack Wirtz. I don't know if Tillie will come to the series, but I have no doubt that if dogs make it to heaven, her wonderful yellow lab Roy will be there.

Waiting for PH to get home from some outreach work. Dinner is prepped and ready to cook: Cornmeal crusted tilapia, roasted new potatoes, sauteed chopped kale with garlic and red pepper. Plus the delicious faux ice cream that you make by whirring some frozen ripe bananas, a couple of tablespoons of cocoa, and a splash of vanilla extract in the food processor until it is just like soft-serve ice cream. Yum.


  1. I won a generous gift card from our NPR station last spring...wonderful surprise here, too.

    Enjoy your weekend whenever you get to take it.

    And I love the adult forum idea!

  2. Dinner and dessert sound SO GOOD! :) As does the vacation - congrats, and richly deserved, I'm tickled for y'all.
