Thursday, August 04, 2011

Thursday is my Friday

...because Friday is my day off.

I'm balancing a bunch of different needs right now (see below) so the schedule is odd. Still, Friday is my day off, so I'll relish it, since it's the first one in a couple of weeks.

So today is getting the sermon more or less down on paper, some pastoral visits, working on some necessary writing of other sorts. PH is away as of tonight at a conference in the Mile-High City, so I'll be dealing with stuff on the home front alone. Praying that there are no major crises this weekend, because attention must be paid to the home front right now.

Still, I'm grateful to have a vocation that allows a little flexibility when it is necessary, and understanding parishioners, and the resources to do what needs to be done.

I am, however, looking forward to tomorrow, and to the vacation in a week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    mmm... "vacation in a week" - I like that phrasing. I realized last week that I had not taken a full day off in a long time, so last Saturday was it. On my to-do list is going through the Confirmation classes you sent - starting them at teh end of Spetember with Muhthah+ as co-facilitator.
