Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowpocalypse, Snowmagdeddon, Icechaton, snowverkill, SnOMG

And the nicknames - and curses - continue as we continue to dig out of the latest of our blizzards here in Your Nation's Capital. PH and I dug out the cars again this morning. This last one dumped maybe another 10 inches, so our total for this winter is 55 inches, a record winter, breaking the total in the year 1898-99, which was the first year they kept records.

For my friends and family from more northerly climes, that may not seem like a lot, but for this area, big storms like this are a rarity, and having three biggies in less than a month, with our relatively limited number of plows and such, is a problem. Some folks are still without power, some are without water...praying that this will be taken care of quickly, and praying for the poor plow drivers, who must be so far beyond exhausted that words fail us.

PH and I just finished cleaning off and digging out the cars, again. We will wander out later today. Tomorrow we will head out to the airport, assuming it is open again, and will head out to the Windy City for the funeral of PH's uncle.

It was wild and beautiful, though. Here's some footage from the White House, where (unlike Chez Mibi) they have staff to clean away the snow...

(BTW, what you see covered in snow at 00:31 is a set-up for the headshots that the news reporters who cover the White House do on the WH grounds. Not much of that happening yesterday, when that picture was taken.)

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