Friday, October 02, 2009

Don't know...

...whether I made the right choice or not, but I made a choice.

I was offered a job today. I turned it down. I knew the offer was coming, and had been praying on it and meditating and gnashing my teeth for a week. At the end of that time, I came to the conclusion that, interesting as it was, it wasn't where God was calling me. Bless PH for being fully supportive of this, and for putting up with my purgatorial week going this way and that about it.

So there are two potential calls in play, one of which feels like the right one, and I have moved further along on that one. I should know in 3-4 weeks whether that results in a call. There is another which would also be a good call, a little further back in its timing, so if the first one doesn't happen, there is something else in the wings that feels good.

It actually feels like a bit of a relief having made this decision. Thank you, God, for helping me figure this out.


  1. Hang in there baby!

  2. Good for you. Praying!

  3. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Have been looking for your email to no avail, so will just put this out to you as something I hope is helpful - go back and apologize to your fellow classmates who you offended and hurt when they were selected for jobs that somehow you felt were not deserved. In your public judgement on those you knew little of you belittled them...karma... yep, goes around

  4. Anonymous, I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about. Have I been frustrated by this process? Yes. Have I wondered at what could have been done with more grace? Of course! Have I belittled anyone who was called before I was? I don't think so. If anyone is offended by anything I have written (and I have been meticulous at protecting identities), I apologize. If you, Anonymous, want to contact me directly, email me at mthorpe (at) vts (dot) edu.

  5. Oh, I'm late reading this. Still praying for your MB says, hang in there!
