Monday, September 14, 2009

Semi-Sabbath Monday

I tried to do no work today. I really did! But to no avail. Odds and ends that needed tended followed me like hungry stray cats, and I could not resist them.

That said, it was a good day, with Spiritual Direction, a journey to the fabric store to end all fabric stores for some buttons for a knitting project, good dinner (vegetarian! some ingredients from the Farmer's Market! herbs from the pots on the back porch! feeling very virtuous and low on the carbon emissions...) and good conversation.

Here's a look at the beautiful stole A made me:

and below, the kiddos learning about what we were about to do:

and then my slightly clumsy but heartfelt asperging of the backpacks etc (sprinkling them with holy water):
Yesterday was a good day, and today was, too. The week ahead is incredibly jam-packed, and I haven't really gotten going on the sermon yet, but the day is done. Time to rest, truly rest, to be prepared for another day.
Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping; that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace.

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