Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Night

We had three dear friends over for dinner tonight - my wonderful Church Music prof (I was his teaching assistant) and his partner, and my thesis advisor, who has miraculously morphed into my friend.

I cooked an Indian feast: samosas, tandoori chicken, dal, saag paneer, bhangan bartha, pilau, paratha, and then broke the Indian lock on the menu and made Panna cotta with raspberry coulis for dessert. The food was well-received, and the conversation was sheer delight. I do enjoy intelligent people with generous reminds me of how I would like to be, when I sometimes forget. Much laughter, lubricated with some good wine, much talk of fascinating projects and interesting places.

I'd gladly cook a feast every weekend to have dinner partners like this at my table. And of course, PH did a great deal of work on helping get the house cleaned up and did the grilling of the chicken (for those who care about such things, it was a tandoori riff on beer can chicken), and did most of the cleaning up afterwards.

Other good thing about the meal: enough leftovers to feed us for a couple of days. Sweet!

1 comment:

  1. At our house that's called "beer butt chicken," and it's a family favorite. (^_^)

    Sounds like a wonderful evening!
