Thursday, May 21, 2009


Our commencement happened this morning. You can watch it here if you like. It was lovely, with the exception of a slightly balky PA system. I graduated with honors, for which I thank my husband, editor and cheerleader extraordinaire; the Holy Spirit,who gave me inspiration when the brain was not coming up with stuff; and Sister Mary Malachi, my eighth grade teacher. who beat the rules of expository writing into us with the paddle from one of those kids' paddle balls. Some lessons stick better than others.

Our commencement speaker was the Rt Rev Barbara Harris, retired suffragan bishop of Massachusetts and the first woman ordained a bishop in the Anglican communion. Powerful words on being a movement rather than an institution, and on working through the church for social justice.

There was a reception afterwards for us - lots of lovely little finger foods and such. Too many people for me at an emotional time, so I was ready after a half hour for us to leave for luncheon at a nearby restaurant with the family. We had a great time, and headed for home at about 2, after which I crashed. I'm still pretty tired with the heat and the emotion of the day, and with eating wayyyy too much.

It was wonderful having PH's family and StrongOpinions with me for this event, and I am grateful to have come this far. where I go from here, God will let me know in due time.


  1. Hurray for you and your hard work and the Holy Spirit!

  2. YAY & Congrats! It was fun to see you, Jennifer A-W, Tim B, and Yohanna M all pass through and on to your work in the wider vineyard. God will use you and plant you where you will do good works for Christ. Blessings & Peace be with you and yours this day and always.
