Today's offering from Inward/Outward is this lovely quotation from Meister Eckhardt:
"Becoming fruitful as a result of a gift is the only gratitude for the gift."
It reminds me again why the late poet and philosopher John O'Donahue said "Meister Eckhardt is the man." It also explains my unease as I sit in this wait-state between the end of school and a call to some sort of job somewhere.
After some rattles of interest last week, things have gone quiet again. I was to have met someone for a conversation about a possible job yesterday afternoon, and the person didn't show. I am presuming it is because the power was down at his church - their phones weren't answered yesterday afternoon, nor is their system receiving emails. Still, a tad aggravating to not receive a phone call, unless his calendar exists only on his computer network.
At the heart of it, I view my vocation as a precious and surprising gift. I've spent the past few years working hard to properly prepare to be fruitful, to live out the gift of that vocation. The silence right now is deafening, and is also frustrating. This is, of course, my own impatience opening me up to unhealthy musings about why I haven't heard anything definitive from anyone, except for turn-downs.
Being fruitful is what I long for. Patience is a burr under the saddle; persistence is the only virtue that remains.
Picture above is "Still Life with Watermelons and Apples in a Landscape" Luis Meléndez (1715-1780)
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