Friday, June 06, 2008


PH left for the Race Across America yesterday morning. His brother had driven down from Steeltown to retrieve him and the two tons of assorted gear the prior night, arriving after a bad storm and tornadoes had knocked out our power. I had intended to cook a big farewell meal, but we ended up going out for Indian food. So yesterday they left at 6:15 a.m., heading first to Steeltown, then on the the City with Big Shoulders and their parents' house for the night. Today they drive on to Mile-High City to pick up another couple of the support driver team members, then on to CA.

It was odd to be alone in the house yesterday. I worked from home, and did some house work as well as office work. I ate some food that I shouldn't have, and watched two movies on Netflix Instant-View. It felt like a day when I just wanted to cocoon a bit.

Today will be busier. It's my official day off from work, so I'll go to Physical Therapy, do some food shopping, make some gazpacho, go to L's house to help her pack up for moving, try to start organizing some of my books...or maybe not. I did walk for 45 minutes this a.m. - it's going to be in the 90s today and I don't do well in the heat, so I like to get the exercising done in the early hours while it's still around 70 degrees.

The counters:
Weeks of Summer Internship Left: 6
Days Until PH Comes Home: 13
Months Until Graduation: 12

Stay chill.

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