Monday, May 12, 2008

Little Things Keep You Going

It's the little things that keep me chugging along in this crazy final week of school.

I took a break this afternoon and got my hair cut. I now look like a reasonably well-groomed grown-up again, rather than a bag lady.

At lunch, a friend was babysitting the little two year old boy with whom I spend my Tuesday afternoons. He's the son of one of my professors, and is the coolest kid. He looked up and saw me and said "Hey, it's Mibi!" Pretty good for a just-turned-two-year-old. And gratifying that he hasn't been traumatized by our time together...although it was a wee bit embarrassing when he wanted me to sing "I don't want a pickle, just want a ride on my motorcycle." Bad music of the 60's lives on in my feeble brain, and I'm passing it on to future generations.

The trio sang the prelude at Morning Prayer today. "Lift Thine Eyes" from Mendelssohn's Elijah. It went remarkably well given how high the piece is and how early it was in the morning. What with the brutal rainstorms, we had rather low attendance, but those who came seemed to like it.

Last day of classes today. A three-hour Systematics lecture...OMG. My brain was pretty fried by the end of it. She had to make up a prior class that she had missed, and I'm glad we covered the material, but I needed to get a black coffee and a KitKat bar to make it through the second half.

We had a special noonday Eucharist in support of the victims of the cyclone in Burma and the flooding in Namibia (we have fellow students from both countries)...and then there was the earthquake in China. It feels like the planet is falling apart. When the NPR reporter on the scene gets weepy doing an interview, you know things are bad. We pray for those in pain, either physical, emotional, or spiritual. God be with them.

Several of us ladies are going to the Ritz Carlton for high tea next Tuesday to celebrate graduation or moving up a's a necessary mental health activity and cheaper than therapy, but not by much.

Time to write the sermon that goes with my Ethics final paper...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations from one rising senior to another!

