Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Things Accomplished


  • ethics paper on human sexuality

  • sermon for homiletics

  • self-evaluation of said sermon for slightly scary prof (who said kind things in class)

  • systematics paper on the Trinity (sermon plus theological explication)

  • organizing our ST study group

  • babysat a toddler who is thoroughly embracing his terrible two-ness

  • actually got the reading done for Homiletics, and started the reading for systematics

  • case presentation for theological reflection for Field Ed Colloquy

  • reflection paper and self-evaluation on this semester's Field Ed experience

Still on the horizon:

  • final ethics paper on ending world hunger (nothing like the big issues)

  • final systematics project - a women's retreat on providence, plus the underlying theological explication

  • document-gathering, plus a little writing, in preparation for my interview with the Commission on Ministry for candidacy status (pre-ordination)

  • proposal for special project for my summer internship

  • writing second sermon (mostly edits of the last systematics project) on the Trinity for homiletics class and field ed

  • getting honors thesis proposal approved and getting an advisor and outside reader locked in.

Wags say that junior year of seminary is about scaring you to death, middler year is about working you to death, and senior year is about boring you to death.

Not sure about the senior thing (our seniors look focused on the future rather than bored) but junior year WAS sort of scary, and middler year is darned near killing all of us. Doing the summer internship, a 40-hour per week gig for eight weeks at a local church, seems like a cakewalk in comparison. And the idea of having August off is just beyond bliss.

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