Monday, April 14, 2008

Missing Her

Strong Opinions was here for the weekend. Of course, my schedule being what it is, I didn't get to spend too much time with her, but it was good to have her home. She needed a break from the Rockies and snow, and I needed to be a mom for a few days. [Those of you with small children: hug them a lot and cherish this time when they're with you all the time. This does come to an end.] We went out to dinner last night and the conversation was wonderful She is such a special kid.

She got on a plane at 7 this morning, heading back out west to school and work. I miss her. We'd probably drive each other crazy if we lived with each other all the time now that she's an almost-adult, but still. I miss her.


  1. She got back just in time for spring!

  2. Oh dear. I can't imagine what it will be like when I am missing WonderGirl in this way.

  3. T- she told me it was like 85 degrees when she got to Boulder. Warmer than here in VA!

    CH- the real trauma of her being so far is struggling with being unable to help her (quickly) when there's a crisis...and with 19 year old girls, there's always some kind of crisis. Then again, the distance has caused her to learn how to fix her own crises, not always in the ways her mother would suggest, but solved nonetheless. I guess that means it's a good thing. Still miss her though!
