Saturday, January 19, 2008


Go see "Atonement." It is a powerful movie, beautifully filmed and acted. If anyone has doubts about the horror of war and the intensity of love, this is the story to hear. Vanessa Redgrave. Still the best actress on the planet. Saoirse Ronan, who looks to be about 12 years old, may turn out to be one of the best actresses of the next generation. Not your usual Hollywood film. Keep your eye out for the brilliant director Anthony Minghella (of "The English Patient") as an interviewer.

My platelet count appears to be worse. More petechiae (little red dots indicating bleeding under the skin) on my arms as well as my legs. I went for a blood test this morning (draw from the back of my hand - blecchhh!) and am awaiting the results from the doc. I'm hoping to avoid a hospitalization. Autoimmune diseases stink.

Dreaming of a trip to the Greek Isles, sitting on the sunny beach with a big straw hat, a cold drink, and a pile of good books. Instead I'm sitting on my couch with tea and no hat and a pile of work I should do (like finishing the Post-Apartheid Reconciliation paper and writing my sermon for next week). Oh, well...a girl can dream.


  1. prayers for your health...

  2. Yes, prayers being said.

    A few years ago, I had a child in my class with the same blood condition as you.

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Could I join you on that Greek isle? I have a straw hat, and always have a pile of books. Cold drinks provided by the isle, I think. Oh to be somewhere where a cold drink would be welcome. This weather stinks! lol...

    Thanks for the info about the Spanish class. I realized that I don't have time this semester for Spanish anyway -- what was I thinking? -- with both Systematics AND Reformed Theology? lol... But, I have an excellent set of Spanish CDs, so I'm going to start listening to them while driving to and fro between home and school.

    Hope you're feeling better, and the blood tests were good! =)
