Thursday, December 13, 2007


524 days until graduation.

Not that I'm counting or anything.


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Lol.. I take it you're graduating in spring 09? So am I, God willing. Yes, to answer your question from a few days ago -- Methodist Not So Big Seminary across the river. I'm Presbyterian, but the Methodists are very ecumenical and take anyone. lol... I probably shouldn't mention this since it sounds like you still have exams next week --- but, we are done! I had my last exam -- Systematics, which gave me such a headache that I needed a two-hour nap the next day to recover. Then I've preached my last sermon (Pentecost -- right in the middle of Advent, which was interesting). And now I'm gearing up for Christmas. -- Well, I hope your exams go well. I'm always interested to read your blog because I like seeing what other seminarians -- especially those of us who are, ahem, "older" (which I'm assuming you are because you talk about your kids -- I have two). lol... anyway, good luck and prayers.

  2. Yup, spring '09, assuming all goes well and the creek don't rise. Did study group for the ST exam this afternoon. I think I'm more confused than when I started. Ah well.

    yeah, it's a trip doing this as an "older" person. Not as much energy, but much better strategy...glad you came out of lurkdom!
