Sunday, September 02, 2007

Home from New England

PH and I had a lovely visit to New England, where we visited with my stepson and his wife and the grandchildren, Princess (who just turned five) and Petit Prince (he who was just born a couple of weeks ago). A pleasant surprise on Saturday afternoon was the arrival of stepson#2 and his two boys, my grandsons Cowboy (4 years old) and Smiling Lad (16 months). It was a wonderful visit on many levels, not the least of which was some great adult conversation with the stepsons, whom I raised from the ages of 7 and 11. They are marvelous human beings and I'm so proud to have been a part of their lives, and that I continue to be a part of their lives even though I haven't been married to their father for many years.

Herewith, some pictures. Above, me with Petit Prince.

Smiling Lad with his dad, stepson #2

The Princess and her cousin Cowboy and their "band."

At right, Princess and her brother Petit Prince, who is modeling his Elizabeth Zimmerman Surprise Jacket and cap, which his GrandMary made for him. He has already almost outgrown it. At least the hat will fit for a bit longer.

And here's the whole clan avec moi.
Being GrandMary is the best!

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