Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring Fever

It's something like 75 degrees outside, maybe warmer, and the air is redolent with new growth and the hint of flowers.

Since I have 3 exams over the next couple of days, I don't get to enjoy it. Studying trumps sniffing the air.

I had a get-together with my NT study group - a bunch of extraordinary women with minds like steel traps, a major ability to laugh out loud (esp. at ourselves), and a sense of God amongst us. What a joy! Nice to have a group of friends with whom I can be thoroughly myself. It kept me sane today. I know I will pass the exam, it's just a question of whether I will sound like a seminarian or a fourth-grader.

I'm about to throw up my hands in despair over the Hebrew exam. It seems as soon as I learn a new conjugation or a passel of new words, the old stuff falls out of my brain. Again, I expect to pass, I would just like to feel more of a sense of mastery.

The third exam is liturgics, and I've reviewed the relevant pastoral rites and some of the writing on them. It's open book (the books being the Book of Common Prayer, the Book of Occasional Services, and Enrishing Our Worship2) and there will be some factual stuff plus an essay on the theology of something therein. Not really something one can study for, but I think I'll be fine.

Then...a week off! Or at least sort of. I'll be editing a paper for submission to a publication, so it won't all be fun.

Dinner with friends and a performance of "Joseph and the Amazing etc. etc." at home church with 80 plus kids over the weekend, a trip north to see dear L whom I miss terribly now that she's working 3 hours away, various lunches and get-togethers with friends.

Somewhere in there I really should clean the house. I figure once a semester, whether it needs it or not.

Now if I could only get my danged exams out of the way!

I want to take a nap.


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    My Hebrew final is tomorrow...can I just say, infinitives are kicking my ass???

  2. Me too. But I figure if God wants me to serve the church, She'll put the answers in my head, or else we'll all have a good laugh when She reminds me that my chances to do Ot exegesis in the congregational setting will be few...

  3. Me too. But I figure if God wants me to serve the church, She'll put the answers in my head, or else we'll all have a good laugh when She reminds me that my chances to do Ot exegesis in the congregational setting will be few...

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    God is a funny gal -- there I was, stressing over infinitives...even got up early this morning to review the chapter...and there were NONE on the exam!
