Thursday, July 20, 2006

New Toys

I'm typing this on my sexy new laptop. What's more, I'm now able to WiFi...we have a wireless router on the home computer.

The laptop was an investment for seminary, but I'm loving being able to work in the living room while PH is in the den. No more competition for the 'puter! Yay!

Twas good to have a dear friend who's a geek, who came over and set all this up with us last night. Hopefully, it will survive the move in good order.

Off to pack stuff...


  1. welcome to the wi-fi world.

  2. I found having wi-fi with a laptop is so nice, but soooo addictive - way too easy to be in a recliner, snoozing, peering over at tv, and playing/working on computer. I love it anyway!
