Saturday, June 10, 2006


We signed a contract for the sale of our house this afternoon. The offer was slightly less than the asking price, but not bad, so in the interest of our sanity in an increasingly dicey market, we accepted it. The buyer is prequalified for the mortgage and doesn't have another house to sell, so barring any problems on the home inspection, we should be done.

The best news is that this means we don't have to have another Open House tomorrow. The cats can stay at home, I can stay at home, the gecko is now back up from the basement in his girl's room, and the cats' scratching post is back in the living room where it belongs.

Life is good! Bye, bye, little house!


  1. Hurray! What a relief it is to be finished with having people tromp through your house. Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. One more step on the way, and one more checked-off box!

  3. Congrats on the sell of the house, one less stress, one less mind boggler, and now you can move a little more forward and the kitties and gecko can be happy too.

  4. Yay Mibi! I'm so glad!


  5. The toaster and my utensil crock are back on the counter, and the Turmenistan rug is back on the floor in the lving room. And we once again have a bath mat down in the master bath. Simple pleasures!
