Friday, May 05, 2006

I'm a Postulant!

Officially, that is. I met with the Bishop at the seminary yesterday and had a delightful conversation with him. "First off," he said,"I want to tell you this isn't another hurdle that you have to leap - you're accepted as a postulant." then he proceeded to talk about what our relationship would be while I was going through seminary and after, and what he suggested I focus on in seminary. (Core courses in Biblical studies and church history, if you're interested.) It was a very relaxed, pleasant, and broad-ranging conversation, and he was more friendly and less formal than I have ever seen him. All in all, a delight.

Thanks, Lord, for getting me this far!


Emily said...

yay, yay and yay!

Unknown said...

Hurray! Hurray!

Sophia said...



Jules said...


As the kids say...

Kathryn said...

That's splendid.
Very intrigued that your bishop gets to choose the subjects you should concentrate on at we all have to follow the same programme regardless of experience, strengths, weaknesses...your system sounds much wiser.
Enjoy it all x