Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What a Week!

Sunday was doing the Adult Sunday School program on the Mission trip, plus serving as Lay Eucharistic Minister for the 11 am service, plus running back to sing the anthem with the choir. Sunday afternoon was finishing painting the downstairs bathroom and removing the wallpaper and painting the upstairs bathroom (they're both pretty small). Sunday evening was cooking dinner, then going to lead our Emmaus/First Acts spiritual formation group.

Monday was work, interspersed with restoring the assorted stuff that needed to be hung, put back, washed up, organized in the two bathrooms. Also some organizing and tossing of stuff in my office, plus a white paper to be written for my boss. Monday night was Koine Greek class.

Tuesday was not one, but two doctor appointments, one of which was the annual ob-gyn funfest ("Yes, you still have a belly full of fibroids, but there have been no changes, so we won't do anything about them. Yet."). A quick run to the hardware store for picture hangers and to return the bottle of wallpaper stripper that I didn't need after all. A stop at the library (one of my favorite places in the world). Another white paper for the boss. Sending $$$ off to StoneMason to help get his car properly registered in NorthCountry state. Writing a check for StrongOpinions' housing at Buddhist University. Cooking dinner for Tuesday night (Dijon pork tenderloin) plus a beef stew in the crock pot for later this week. In the evening, running the quarterly meeting of our church's endowment fund. I'm searching for my replacement as chair - once I get to seminary, I won't have time for this. Oh, and I also put out massive quantities of garbage - see, I really AM decluttering!

Today (once I get done with paperwork here in my home office) I'll go downtown to meet PH. The company is letting us take whatever furniture we want out of my old office, since it's already fully amortized and it just costs them money to move it elsewhere. PH's nonprofit agency will be the prime beneficiary, but I will also get a grown-up desk for my home office and a couple of bookshelves. Yowza! Then in the late afternoon I'll get my hair cut and the roots done (gotta look nice for the interviews on Friday). Tonight is choir practice.

Tomorrow is wide open, so I'm hoping to fit in a mental health pedicure at lunchtime.I have to run interference on some deals the bank is working on that have had hiccups, so that should fill much of the day. Thank goodness there's nothing in the evening. I may just fill the tub with hot water and stay in it for several hours, periodically refilling it with more hot water. Candles, scented bubble bath, and some Ian McEwen to read.

Friday morning is usually our women's Bible study at 7:30 am. I'm wondering if going to that before my interviews, which start at 9:50) might be soothing, or just more stressful from a scheduling standpoint. The good news is that one of my dear friends is having a little dinner get-together for us Friday night. What would I do without my friends?

Heaven only knows what Saturday will bring, but I know I'll be at icon-writing at noon.

Then all I'll have to do is sit around and wait for the phone call telling me whether the COM gave me the thumbs up or not.

Ah well, if the worst happens, at least I've got a freshly painted and decluttered house!


  1. Wow. May I borrow a cup of energy?

  2. It's all drained out right now. I need a refill - I think I need chocolate.
