Friday, March 10, 2006

RevGals Friday Five Meme: Hair

1) Do you like your hair?
Reasonably well.

2) Have you ever colored your hair? If not, would you consider it?
It is colored right now - a light reddish-brown. It's much lighter than my natural color (dark brown), but since my natural hair color is no longer dark brown, but a mishmash of grey, white, and brown, it seems to work well.

3) What's the longest you've ever worn your hair? The shortest?
Longest: all the way down my back when I was in college.
Shortest: the imfamous pixie cut, which made my face look like a full moon.

4) When and what was your worst. haircut. ever?
The aforementioned pixie cut, although the bowl cut came in a close second.

5) Tell us a favorite song or scene from a book or movie dealing with hair.
From Debussy's "Chansons de Bilitis" , text by Pierre Louys:

La Chevelure

Il m'a dit: "Cette nuit, j'ai reve. J'avais tas chevelure autour de mon cou. J'avais tes cheveux comme un collier noir autour de ma nuque et sur ma poitrine. Je les caressais et c'etaient les miens; et nous etions lies pour toujours ainsi, par la meme chevelure, la bouche sur la bouche, ainsi que deux lauriers n'ont souvent qu'une racine. Et peu a peu, il ma semble tant nos membres etaient confondus, que je devenais toi-meme, ou que tu entrais en moi, comme mon songe." Quand il eut acheve, il mit doucement ses mains sur mes epaules, et il me regarda d'un regard si tendre, que je baissai les yeux avec un frisson.

The Tresses

He said to me: "last night I dreamed. I had your tresses around my neck. I had your hair like a black necklance around the nape of my neck on an my chest. I caressed it and it was mine; and we were bound forever thus, by the same tresses, mouth on mouth, just as two laurel trees often have only a single root. And little by little, it seemed to me, so intermingled were our limbs that I became you or you entered into me like my dream." When he finished, he gently put his hands on my shoulders, and he looked at me with a look so tender that I lowered my eyes with a shiver.

I've sung this in concert a couple of times. very intense, very sensual. The best of what Debussy can be. Some of my best singing, even if I do say so myself...

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